The Word on the Week


WOTW                             Word on the Week                     7th May 2022.

This one could be called the Blog that talks to itself!   Although I have been going longer than I care to remember the reason for my existence may not be self-evident.   Indeed, it may not be evident at all!

Word on the Week came into being with the intention of applying people’s knowledge of the Word to one of the major events of the week.  The idea was to inculcate, through time, an appreciation that the Word of God could be applied to every decision or situation in life.

Thus with people habitually thinking ‘Christianly’ conversations in the staff canteen or wherever your Areopagus is (Acts chapter 17 verse 19), could be turned from the usual Government bashing to something more Christ-centred.

How to turn a conversation that is going nowhere into something more profitable requires a bit of thought.   It can be as simple as prefacing your words with “I take my cue from Jesus on this subject” when the latest case of gender dysphoria comes up for discussion.   Jesus brings the argument back to the beginning when there was no identity crisis (St Mark Chapter 10 verses 6 to 9).  People then see the ideal comes from scripture and the conversation is enlightened by the grace and forgiveness the gospel can bring.

One of the Apostle Paul’s ‘Words on the Week’ occurred when he visited Corinth.  He saw the confused state of their worship revealed in the many statues to their gods. One statue was dedicated to an unknown god.  St Paul used this to proclaim Jesus, the God you can know. His power and authority is seen in his resurrection from the dead (Acts chapter 17 verses 24 to 34).

No form of government is perfect because they are made up of sinful people.  This week we were able to witness the democratic principle of free election in the North of Ireland and at the other end of the scale the authoritarian regime in Russia silencing its people from critiquing its leader’s war efforts against Ukraine.

There will be Christians in both camps – some preferring the one over the other.   Jesus understood the anxieties these things create and calms our fears using the Gospel passage which points us to another Kingdom, a heavenly one, that one day will be ours (St Luke Chapter 12 verse 32).

‘Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’

The Word on the Week

Elon Musk’s Tweet

Elon Musk’s Tweet                    Word on the Week                    30th April 2022.

At this time of year, we are enchanted by the Dawn Chorus.   The mating season is announced daily with a symphony of birdsong.    This week one ‘twitter’ made more noise in the media than the rest and that was Elon Musk.   He parted with a relatively small portion of his fortune to obtain Twitter.

What would an electric car manufacturer with a desire for space travel want with a social media platform which earns a relatively small amount of money?  Perhaps what appealed to Elon was witnessing how the former US President, Trump, self-promoted his ideas on the network.   Daily users, currently at 229 million, would be an attractive base to what he has termed a ‘digital town square’.

So who is this 50-year-old billionaire who has purchased Twitter?   Musk was born in Pretoria in South Africa, the eldest of three children.   The parents divorced when he was 8.  He describes his father as a ‘terrible human being’ but that didn’t stop him from making his first $500 at the age of 12!   He now lives in Texas, has married three times, (twice to the same woman), and has six sons the eldest tragically died of sudden infant death syndrome.

His stated intent is to make Twitter available to everyone as a forum for the exchange of ideas.   Musk’s advocacy of “free speech” – which means reducing moderation of online content – promises to make Twitter a far nastier, angrier arena.

So who will control Musk? The way he controls the network must be made transparent.   The rapid growth of artificial intelligence has to be controlled.   The potential of robots is well understood in car manufacturing so Musk would understand it.  Putin has said, “Artificial Intelligence” is the future not only for Russia but for all human kind.  It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict.  Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”  (Quoted in John C. Lennox’s book ‘2084’).

The battle for the mind of man will first be fought with words.   The problem is that Robotic language is becoming increasingly hard to detect.   However, words are the Christians’ stock in trade.    Christians’ follow Jesus who is the living Word of God (St John Chapter 1 verse 14).

By God’s grace we have the Divine revelation, miraculously preserved, in the Bible. In Psalm 119 the Psalmist praises the Bible; The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple (Verse 130).  2 Timothy Chapter 3 verse 15 explains what this could mean.

We need to take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 17).

The Word on the Week

The Kinahan Gang

The Kinahan Gang                    Word on the Week          23rd April 2022.

Growing up, being a member of a gang was a way of life!   At the end of our street was the mart with its network of cattle pens.   These had an alternative use for small boys engaged in an elaborate version of hide and seek.

Later we graduated to the ‘sand-holers’.   They occupied a spent sand pit which had become an unofficial rubbish dump – what more could a young boy ask for!   There our skills for constructing little shacks, which boasted a fireplace and chimney, were honed in.   Unfortunately, the fire was more smoke than flame so they would rapidly become uninhabitable!

We moved house when I was age 10 to a coastal village.   This introduced me to the delights of sea fishing.   At the same time, it put paid to my future as a gang leader for there were only six boys of varying ages in the place!

The Kinahan’s do not seem to have had such recruiting problems!    I expect the addiction element in peddling drugs ensured a plentiful supply of recruits.   In the early days defending one’s turf became critical.   The enemy, the Hutch gang of drug pushers, had to be prevented from encroaching onto your patch.

Back in 2016, in a daring attack in the Regency Hotel in Dublin the Kinahan and their rival the Hutch gang came head to head.  There was a fatal shooting which resulted in heightened Garda activities.  The leaders then moved to Spain.   At that time the father of the Kinahan’s was living in Dubai where he had gone into the food import/export business.

It was not long before his sons Daniel and Chris joined him.  Some of the commodities they dealt in were dairy, beef and sugar.   They didn’t mention the heroin and hard drugs which were concealed in the shipments!

Their business has a wide spread dealing with such countries as Australia, New Zealand, China, Brazil and the US among others.   The volumes of cash they handle is substantial so the US sanctions imposed last week would make trading difficult.   The body blow however was when on Tuesday the United Arab Emirates announced the freezing of the gang’s assets.

In a move reminiscent of their ‘Wild West’ past the US have offered a €5,000,000 reward for information leading to the financial disruption or the arrest and successful conviction of each of the three Kinahan’s.

Barabbas was a gang leader in the Bible who led an insurrection and was sentenced to death at the time the same sentence had fallen on Jesus (St Luke Chapter 23 verse 25).  The name Barabbas means son of the father i.e. everyone.   Jesus’s death bought his freedom.   And not only his but ours (Galatians Chapter 3 verse 13).  St Paul writes He died “for us”.  Believe it and live not as a gang member but a disciple!

The Word on the Week

Broken World

Broken World                   Word on the Week                     15th April 2022.

There are so many signs of brokenness in the world that we need to go back the Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 for a refresher course.   We can so easily forget how very good it all was in the beginning (chapter 1 verse 31).   Adam had the helper made for him – perfect in every way with the creation ideal of faithfulness implicit in the covenant of marriage (Chapter 2 verses 23/24).

The one man plus one woman in a monogamous marriage was compromised by adultery so, on that ground and because of the hardness of the peoples’ hearts, Moses permitted divorce (St Matthew Chapter 19 verses 7 to 9).   God hates the practice of divorce as, among other things, it thwarts his plan for godly offspring (Malachi Chapter 2 verses 13 to 16).

Divorce, or the practice of singleness, goes against the divine ideal.   “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis Chapter 2 verse 18) so a covenant of companionship surrounded by self-giving love was created.   There are those who, like the Apostle Paul are called to be single but, that apart, the creation ideal applies.

Nowhere is the world’s brokenness better seen than in the individual person’s sexual orientation and gender dysphoria.    In the current culture where marriage is no longer automatically the custom many alternative lifestyles have competed to take its place.    There has been a rapid spread of these new ideologies.

Events in Sligo town this week resulted in a man being charged with double murder.   The deceased were on a gay dating site and the murderer came to their homes in the guise of a client.   The homophobic responsible was taken into custody.  

The dead men were members of the LGBTQI+ community   There was a spontaneous outburst of support for the bereaved men from the community which took the form of parades and went countrywide.  

Many years ago it was prostitutes who were the soft target in these hate crimes.   They were thought of as marginal and of little worth.   In fact, they occupied a similar place to the gays today. 

Someone else was killed this weekend.   He was the friend of the marginalised.   In fact, it was sinners He was attracted to – but not in a sexual way.   Rather he restored them to wholeness of life (St John Chapter 8 verse 11).   His death caused death to die.   It could never be the same again.   He arose from the grave and offers eternal life to the gay believer and me!  How about you? (St John Chapter 3 verses 15 to 17).

The Word on the Week

Making Prayer

Making Prayer                           Word on the Week                    2nd April 2022.

As we approach Easter it is common to be like Lydia, recorded Acts Chapter 16 verse 13, to make prayer.   The act requires faith that God exists (Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 6) and the belief that He will answer our prayer.

Many admit to a difficulty in that our words are addressed to an invisible God.  The God of the universe is not to be represented in wood or stone!   This is similar to the mystery posed by Israel.   When the surrounding nations looked at her they could see no representation of Jehovah.  They said Israel worshipped the ‘God of the seventh day rest’ as that was their distinguishing feature!  

These laws concerning idols and rest are written in the 2nd and 4th commandments (Exodus Chapter 20 verses 4 and 8).  

However, our God has revealed Himself most perfectly in Jesus (St John Chapter 14 verse 9).  We cannot see Jesus now nor can we see the Holy Spirit.  We are to use the ‘eyes’ of our understanding as the King James Version quaintly puts it until Jesus returns when we will exchange faith for sight (1 Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 12/13).  

Until then we are empowered to use His Name, not as a magic formula, but as our authority (St John Chapter 14 verses 13 to 14).   This is why prayers are frequently ended by evoking the name of Jesus. The discouraged Ephesians received this prayer from the imprisoned Apostle Paul who showed his concern for them.

 “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!   Amen’.

While we may not be able to pray like the Apostle we can always copy the Tax Collector whose prayer was heartfelt and, Jesus confirmed, was heard.  He said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (St Luke Chapter 18 verse 13).

The Word on the Week

2022 Census

2022 Census                   Word on the Week                     26th March 2022.

It would have saved Joseph a lot of bother if there had been Census Enumerators back then.  All this hassle of having to go to his ancestral town, Bethlehem – the city of David.   He would have been proud of his royal line although now reduced to peasant stock and living in the backwater called Nazareth some 70 miles away (St Luke Chapter 2 verses 1 to 6).

By comparison we have it easy as the Census Enumerators who are about to descend on us next week are equipped with well-designed forms along with instructions written in 22 languages!    There has been little prior notice of the event which formerly occurred at 10 year intervals but now, such is the speed of migration trends, may come along every 5 years.

The Central Statistic Office which keeps tabs on us all shows 12.9% or 645,500 of the population to be Non-Irish.   This figure will soon increase when the influx of refugees from Ukraine, fleeing the fighting, come looking for asylum.

A new feature to the Census form is the provision to write a letter to be placed in a time capsule to be opened 100 years from now.   We are encouraged to write in our own language an account of something which would be of interest to these living in 100 years’ time. 

This invitation would seem to afford the Christian the opportunity to share the Gospel with particular relevance to the Spiritual needs of the days we live in.   Perhaps a couple of outlines would help us to put pen to paper.

First outline.   The Lord Jesus Christ, after he was crucified for our sins, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.   He was the first fruits of the resurrection to be followed by those who trusted in him.   The Apostle Paul wrote about this in his Bible letter 1Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 22/23.  If the Lord Jesus has not returned in 100 years that means that there are more people to be saved and that could include you who are reading this letter!   This Good News is as relevant today in 2022 as it will be in 2122.

Second outline.   People in 2022 get anxious and apprehensive of what might happen to them.   They wish to keep in with God and try by their behaviour to blot out their permissiveness and tolerance of what is wrong.   They do not have to live like that.   If their faith is already placed in the Lord Jesus Christ as their redeemer, then on their worse and most faithless day they can run to their heavenly Father.  He will not turn you away.  Your acceptance is not because you kept God’s law but that Jesus did.   Your faith is in Him (1 Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 3 to 8).

If Joseph had had to write a letter it would have been full of joy at the miraculous birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary and his later role as husband.

The Word on the Week

The Shamrock

The Shamrock                 Word on the Week                     19th March 2022.

It was found beside the cattle pen amongst the first flush of Spring grass.   A tiny shamrock which immediately brought to mind the Aer Lingus logo which graces the tail plane of their fleet of aircraft!  

Of course it was inspired by St Patrick’s adoption of the plant as a teaching aid.

When St Patrick arrived in Ireland in the year 431 there were many triple deities.   These were worshipped as one.   The formation of the shamrock with its three leaves growing from one stem gave a physical representation to the teaching of the Christian trinity.    Thus the difficult concept of three persons in one was taught.

This, in the words of J.I. Packer, the Trinity is a divine mystery without parallel!

There is no way the shamrock can show the personality of each member of the Trinity.   Nor is it possible to explain that each of the three persons is fully God and not one third of God.

We ourselves are people.   We ourselves are created in the image of God.   And we can understand people relating to each other.   We do it all the time!    Just as we relate to people in a personal way believers enter, by the Spirit, into a personal relationship of trust in the Father through the Son which is the hallmark of true Biblical faith (Romans Chapter 8 verses 15 to 17).

It is good to remember when Jesus was in trouble he used the personal word of ‘Abba’ which could translate as Daddy (St Mark Chapter 14 verse 36).   And when the Apostle Paul is describing life in the family of God he emphasises our relationship by his use of the word ‘Abba’.  We too call upon our heavenly Daddy in our prayers and in times of trouble.

Let us give the last word to the Saint – part of the hymn known as St Patrick’s


I bind unto myself the Name,

          The strong Name of the Trinity;

By invocation of the same,

          The Three in One and One in Three.

Of whom all nature hath creation;

          Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:

Praise to the Lord of my salvation,

          Salvation is of Christ the Lord.

The Word on the Week

Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men             Word on the Week                     12th March 2022.

March of many weathers has arrived.   The chilly blast from the East heralds her coming.    It causes man and beast to curl up in themselves and search around for shelter.   Only our three young Highland Cattle seen to be enjoying themselves when, immune to the chill wind, they escaped from their pen and enjoyed the freedom of the yard last night!

Weather forecasts have become increasingly accurate so we have no reason to doubt the current one with its promise of wet and wind.

The writer of Ecclesiastes has this to say: –

“When clouds are heavy, rain comes down.

Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north,
it stays where it falls.

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.

If they watch every cloud they will never harvest.

Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind

Or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb,

So you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.

Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for

you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another – maybe both.”

Chapter 11 verses 2 to 6. (NLT)

The writer of Ecclesiastes recognises things which are beyond our control.  Life is unpredictable.   We are to work with what we have been given.

Our knowledge is limited we must admit.   How the spirit of life brings new life to the child in the womb goes beyond the chromosomes to the purpose of God.

There is the potential in each human birth of that life being transformed by an encounter with Jesus, the ultimate result being eternal life.

It was the purpose for which Jesus came to earth.   Jesus accomplished our redemption on the cross from the kingdom of Adam to the kingdom of Christ and the Apostle John summarised it for us in his Gospel Chapter 3 verse 16: –

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The Word on the Week

Look at the Birds

Look at the Birds               Word on the Week                       5th March 2022.

As I walked past the forest garden, there in the bright sunlight were two blackbirds engaged in marital combat.   The frost was still sparkling on the tufts of grass unappreciated by the combatants.   A third blackbird or should I say ‘brownbird’, the cause of the affray hopped around the fighters betraying her interest in the winner!

After all her future partner was there so the outcome was of generic importance.  The next generation of blackbirds hung on it!    No doubt the nesting site had been chosen and the first twigs laid in place.   Much work would go into it before the beautiful blue green eggs would nestle down in their bed of soft lichen, feathers and hair.

The location of the nest is usually in the blackthorn hedge where the vicious thorns repel the thieving magpie along with any other would-be predator.   Their song is intended to impress the wife but in their exuberance have no hesitation in joining with other early risers such as robin, siskin and blue tits.

These, along with various tits, finches and dunnock are regular customers for breakfast at the bird table and feeders that hang from it.    They are our constant companions occasionally producing ‘show-stoppers’ in the form of long tailed tits who have recently joined us at lunchtime.

Perhaps more spectacular is the buzzard who has established his territory in the area where the farm road meets the hill known as ‘Snailbox’.  He keeps a watchful eye on the local population warding off other predators such as the sparrow hawk.  His distinctive call, a penetrating pee-oo, causes small animals such as beetles to break cover revealing themselves as his next meal.

He has nested on the farm for some years and his presence is probably responsible for a small rookery to leave us for a patch of woodland a mile away.  

Perhaps one definition of an optimist would be someone who built an owl nesting box and fixed it to a large oak tree when evidence of owl activity is only one possible sighting some time ago!    Well, we are optimists and duly set up the nest box this week!    We should confess having another owl nest box in the barn for the last number of years without result!   We even have a swift’s box without ever seeing a swift so no one can say we are unprepared!

In Jesus’ famous “don’t worry” statement, after highlighting what all the glossy magazines major on today – what you eat or drink or wear – He enlists the birds as good examples of a stress free life.   The bird’s reliance is on their Heavenly Father who looks after them.    Our absence of trust tends to reduce our life span rather than extend it!

Jesus concludes by saying if we look after the things which he considers important then we can rely on Him to look after the things we consider to be important (St Matthew Chapter 6 verses 28 to 34).   “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Consider the birds – daily!

The Word on the Week

Putin in Control

Putin in Control                Word on the Week                     26th February 2022.

This week has shown how well Putin has prepared for War.   Sorry ‘Peace Keeping’ is his preferred way of viewing it.   His adventures in Ukraine would appear to be running on schedule as he endeavours to put back the clock.

The restoration of lands formerly Russian would seem to be a worthy task for a Dictator.   His predecessors seceding them to their own people must have rankled.    But land is fixed it that it cannot get away.   Boundaries are fluid in the hands of armies.

Sir Frederick Catherwood in his book ‘A Better Way’ relates the story of an old war veteran he met while travelling in a rail sleeper across Germany.   The veteran had been mobilised in 1914 to fight for the Austrian Empire against the Russians.   He was captured then put in the Czech National Brigade to fight for the Russians against the Austrians.

When, after the revolution, when the Czech Brigade finally got home he found that the Versailles ethnic division had made him a Pole and he was called up to fight for the Poles against the Russians.   In 1939 he was again called up into the Polish army to fight the Germans.   His home town was then annexed, on ethnic grounds, by the puppet State of Slovakia and he was called up to fight the Russians.

He was once more captured and forced again into a Czech national brigade to fight the Germans.   He rode home with the Czech brigade and has lived in peace ever since!  

Perhaps the amazing thing is that Europe has been reasonably peaceful for the past 75 years.   That is until the advent of Putin!

So what will be Putin’s downfall?   In more normal countries the youth, use their smart phones to organise protests which result in leadership immerging.   This week’s protest in Russia has been nipped in the bud. Smartphones removed and 1,500 opponents of the conflict rounded up to await trial on ‘Public Order’ offences.  Control over the population in the past has required would be leaders to be locked up or treated to a dose of State poison.

The real victims of conflict are always the innocent who get caught up in the war.   At present the Ukraine border provides some sort of security.   It’s not much but it is better than anything NATO has to offer.   Refugees are being offered shelter in neighbouring countries.   Churches are assisting.

Refugees tonight might feel some empathy with those who were exiled to Babylon in Isaiah’s day.   In Chapter 43 verses 1 – 4 the Prophet passed on what the lord said: – “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you.