The Man on the Moon

The Man on the Moon                           Word on the Week                                   20th July 2019.

Full moons presented a great time for youthful imaginations to examine the surface to try to trace the face of the man on the moon.    We all imagined we saw it among the blotches that appeared on the surface.     The cross-legged goblin that appeared sitting on the crescent moon of a well-known advert did not mislead us one little bit!

Reality in the form of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin enlarged our imaginations – there were now two men on the moon!   The fuzzy pictures of 50 years ago showed the space-suited astronauts equipped with enormous backpacks make their first tentative steps on the surface of the moon.

Their feet were shod with large pod shaped boots to prevent them sinking in the lunar dust.    The scientists had calculated the rate at which the dust accumulated on the moon’s surface and, because they were all evolutionists, calculated what the accumulation over a vast time period would produce.  They reckoned on dust to the depth of three feet.   In fact, instead of sinking in powder, the surface was like crunchy snow – only a few inches deep!    The astronauts went for a walk which, because of weightlessness, was more like a series of skips where, as one put it, “you got to make sure your feet are underneath you!”

So the broadcast was made. “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” Armstrong famously said when he stepped down from the ladder on the lunar lander onto the moon.

But it’s the experience of James Irvine the 8th man to walk on the moon that is significant.   He was on the Apollo 15 and along with David Scott they spent almost 3 days carrying out experiments and collecting rocks.

At one point Irwin had trouble. “He was erecting an experiment that wouldn’t erect!   Frustrated in his attempts to get the experiment to work, Irwin decided he would pray, “God I need your help right now” (Psalm 139 verses 7 to 10).

Suddenly Irwin experienced the presence of Jesus Christ in a remarkable way, unlike anything he ever felt on earth.  His wife Mary said “The Lord showed him the solution to the problem and the experiment erected before him like a little altar.”   This led Irvine, a nominal Christian, to commit himself to Christ.  

On his return from space, he resigned from NASA and formed High Flight Foundation.

“God decided that He would send His Son Jesus Christ to the blue planet,” Irwin said, “and it’s through faith in Jesus Christ that we can relate to God. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes unto the Father except through me’ (St John Chapter 14 verse 6).

“As I travel around I tell people the answer is Jesus Christ, that Jesus walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon” said Irvine and if he were alive today I am sure he would say not to look for the face in the moon but to the Lord Jesus Christ who is the image of the invisible God (Colossians Chapter 1 verse 15).