Saying Sorry

Of all the words in the English language the word ‘sorry’ can be the hardest to articulate! It may also be the hardest word to hear or perhaps accept according to a new study from Queen’s University published at the 10th anniversary of the banking crisis.
Apparently researchers have categorised into groups people who should apologise to society and bankers are included with the paramilitaries and clerical or institutional abusers. In fact, a survey showed that Bankers scored the lowest!
This is the 10th anniversary of the State’s guarantee of the Republic’s banking system, which cost taxpayers €64 billion in bailouts and tipped the State into an international bailout. The guarantee was arranged between the then Taoiseach and his Minister of Finance when they came under considerable pressure from the leading bankers.
With hindsight far too much credence was given to the might of the banks who were seen as being too big to be allowed to go burst.
Perhaps a case of allowing appearances to influence you was when Samuel was choosing Saul’s successor and was misled by Eliab’s attractive looks. The Lord cautioned Samuel “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel Chapter 16 verse 7). Under the Lord’s guidance Samuel went on to chose David, the youngest of Jesse’s family, who was doing the menial task of shepherding.
The bankers word of choice with regard to their atrocious banking practices was ‘regret’! It, or a variation of it, was used 230 times in the testimonies. It is hard to see why they could not express sorrow unless the shadow of possible lawsuits for negligence hung over them. They have bought into the common confusion about who they were paid to serve – themselves or the public. The continues to be illustrated by the large banker’s bonuses they award themselves.
St Paul writing to the church in 2 Corinthians Chapter 5 verse 15 quoting Christ as an example, stated that they – the Corinthian believers – “should no longer live for themselves”. They obviously did once live for themselves. Clearly bankers are not the only people in that category although their leaders demonstrate it well!
If you have been redeemed by Christ, your orientation should have changed from selfishness i.e. serving self to serving others. The motive is again emphasised by the text … “should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again”.
Living for Christ is a 24/7 activity!