Nora Quoirin deceased

Nora Quoirin Deceased             Word on the Week                17th August 2019.

It was on the 10th day after her disappearance that Nora’s body was found in a forest ravine by a stream.    It brought to a halt a search which had involved a large search and rescue team, which included local people familiar with the forest in that area. The location was around 60km from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

The Quoirin’s were on a family holiday at the Dusun resort when her father, on their first morning, discovered Nora’s bedroom window open and no evidence of his daughter.   They searched the immediate vicinity but found no trace.   As she had special needs and was not an independent 15-year-old, the family took the view that someone else must have been involved in her disappearance.

Previously Nora had visited many countries and never got lost or wandered off by herself.   It was completely out of character for her to do things on her own.   Describing her condition her father said, “Nora can read like a young child, but she cannot write more than a few words.   She has a good memory but she cannot understand anything conceptual.   She is unable to do maths so things like money are impossible to manage.”

Her naked body was found by some hikers who reckoned the body would have been found by the searchers had it been there earlier.   According to the post mortem death took place 2 to 3 perhaps 4 days before.    The cause of death was internal bleeding.   There was no evidence of rape of abduction.     A reward of £10K was made the day before Nora was found and has not been paid.

There is a Shamanic tradition in South-East Asia and during the search the suggestion was made to enlist the aid of the ‘spirits’.    The thinking is that with many trees felled the ‘spirits’ have lost their resting places and become malevolent.    Their ‘normal’ activities are to induce fear and hysteria in people such as schoolgirls.  These things are dealt with within the Muslim religion or by spirit possessed priests.

The Bible is explicit on these matters; – “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus Chapter 19 verse 31).       The Prophet Isaiah warns his followers not to be drawn into occult gibberish when God speaks clearly from his Word (Chapter 8 verses 19 to 20).

Jesus met death of a loved one with tears of compassion.   He restored life to the dead undoing the effects of illness and fulfilling the spoken Word.   Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (St John Chapter 11 verses 25 to 26).     The question remains valid today!