It’s for the Birds

I know the expression is a bit dated, usually referring to a flawed idea, but in this case I mean it to be taken literally! There was a lull in the wintry weather this week so the bird-boxes went up onto the Scotch Pines in front of the house.

Both boxes had been cleaned out from last year’s hatch and are ready for (hopefully) this year’s tenants. What is different this year is the installation of a camera into one of the boxes. “Is nothing sacred any more” you cry! “Isn’t it enough that you spy on the poor blue tits with high powered binoculars?” This is surely taking your love for heterosexual unions a bit too far!

Interest has been shown in the accommodation but, alas, it has been in the other bird-box! The CCTV is ready. The camera is tiny. The wiring is discreet. The led lighting is invisible being ultra-violet. Only a “To Let” sign is missing! Perhaps I need an Estate Agent!

The picture of the empty box shows up well on the TV. I expect if and when the tenants arrive they will have no difficulty in competing with the other telly programmes for an audience!

OK, Ok I know I have way too much time on my hands but the TV is so dreadful action is required! And I have Biblical precedent – Jesus taught us to, “Look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable that they?” (St Matthew Chapter 6 verse 26)

We are not more valuable because we are better than birds but because God has made us in His image and given us dominion over all creatures (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27/8).

But God has shown special love for one creature – humankind. It was not because we were more worthy, quite the reverse, but out of sheer grace He gave His only Son to die for our sins (St John Chapter 3 verse 16) that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

This is not “for the birds” but a stark reality while these days of grace last.

Take Jesus at his word and follow him all the days of your life on earth.