Brexit Means Trouble

Brexit may mean Brexit for Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister, but her failure to move from her “no going back on the decision to leave” slogan has created misgivings among many people.
The British ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, is one of them. He handed in his resignation this week. In demitting office a year before he was due to retire he was highlighting his concern about “ill-founded arguments and muddled thinking” in government quarters. His previous warnings that some of the treaties may take 10 years to re-negotiate have been largely ignored. Someone needs to wake-up!
Ireland appears to have taken on the role of a spectator, a luxury we cannot afford when our largest trading partner has voted to leave the current trading agreements behind. The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, appears to be filling the role of ‘Minister Responsible’ himself. This would seem foolhardy in view of his own precarious position as head of an unstable coalition Government which is unlikely to outlast Brexit.
Of course there are the voices of common sense pointing out that the vote was only advisory. The legislation setting up the Referendum did not specify how a leave vote could be implemented. It does not have to take place. The Irish solution (acted upon twice) to have a second Referendum would require a good deal of humble pie to be eaten – something the Brits have little stomach for! If later this month the UK Supreme Court rules on the need for parliament’s approval the entire assembly will have an opportunity for mature reflection! But I fear the die is cast.
In addition to economic factors the inability to control the flow of immigrants was the trigger to leave the EU. The dangers of ISIS inspired people, both home-grown and immigrant, created genuine fears of attacks as seen in France and Germany. We are involved having the only border the UK has with the EU. The spectre of a return to the bad old days of border patrols, check-points, barriers and customs should deepen our interest in finding a better solution.
The rush to obtain Irish or UK passports underlines the uncertainty of the present situation. Freedom of travel, so much taken for granted, will get harder. Visas required to visit the UK perhaps? And what good is my UK passport in Ireland?
In this uncertain world, those who would believe in Jesus need to repent of their fears and realise that their citizenship is in heaven (Philippians Chapter 3 verse 20). It was procured at the Cross of Calvary by the death of Jesus on our behalf. The trouble with Brexit is that it can take our eyes of the Lord and onto our selves. The realisation that he has finished the work of salvation – our passport is secure (St John Chapter 19 verse 30)! All other passports have an expiry date. Turn and trust Jesus every day and all the days of your life on earth. Let’s hear it from Charles Wesley: –
Accepted in the Well-beloved, And clothed in righteousness divine,
I see the bar to heaven removed; And all Thy merits, Lord, are mine.