Abortion Law Review

Abortion Law Review            Word on the Week                         22nd April 2023.

It came as a bit of a jolt to learn that on average 23 Irish babies are aborted every week.   That is a lot of funerals except that they are mostly dispensed with.    The child may not even get a name in this life although he or she may well have a place of honour in the next (St Matthew 19 verse 14).

What is our Minister of Health, Stephen Donnelly, doing to bring this figure down?   What assistance will he offer to the stressed Mother to retain her child?   Will he unveil a range of measures to assist the Mother to do her job – that is to give birth and support the child?

It seems like he has other ideas.   Armed with the promised 3-year review; a production which seems to be highly biased towards the ‘Pro Choice’ Movement.   He plans to bring it before cabinet this coming week.  

A major change suggested in the review is the removal of the 3-day reflection period before getting access to abortion medication.  This was to enable the Mother to weigh up her options without being under time pressure.  Back in the campaigning days it seemed more humane enabling waverers to vote for the introduction of abortion 3 years ago.  It’s to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s credit that he does not want this removed in the present review.

On the side of the Medics there are a number who have conscientious objections.   This is not surprising as they are in the business of preserving life not to take it.   Apparently a team from TCD is researching this matter!

There is money in abortion of course and it is no doubt that is why the pro-choice have no shortage of funding.   In fact, with euthanasia down the road the death business has never looked better!    We don’t need to look to the US to see how things could go.   The Netherlands and Belgium are examples of both abortion and euthanasia business on our doorstep.

In an attempt to alert Government to the strength of ‘Pro-Life’ feeling that exists, please plan to attend the Rally on Monday 1st May at 2.00 pm.  It is on the May Bank Holiday (a week on Monday) marching from St Stephen’s Green to Leinster House.

Jesus came across many cases of people who would have been aborted in today’s climate because of their physical challenges.   Take the case of the paraplegic.   His remedy was not extermination but healing (St Luke 5 Verse 24).   In this Jesus showed he was – the Messiah, and gave a foretaste of forgiveness and the life to come.

Life is precious.   The vulnerable need our care.