Normal People

Normal People                         Word on the Week                          2nd May 2020.

Our Vox Pop guru, Joe Duffy, in his Friday chat show teased out the TV production ‘Normal People’.   His purpose was to see what impact it had on his audience of ordinary people.    The show had been given some salacious publicity all week by RTE so Joe could have anticipated the comments people would make.

Apparently there is some nudity in it.   This always drives up the ratings.   Interestingly the Lord clothed our first parents and a sure sign of our rebellion against Him is when clothes come off.   Some of the callers to the programme remarked that this was pornographic and Joe was in his element!   He chided them for being back in the 60ies and implied that they needed to move on.

In the absence of any moral guidance from Church and the Scriptures being a closed book to many, we can anticipate ‘the Arts’ continuing to lead the downward spiral.   It is perhaps surprising that the National Broadcaster promoted this material but then there is so much of it available on the networks that they probably felt the need to compete.   What was perhaps more surprising was to hear an enthusiastic commendation from the broadcaster Ryan Tubridy.   He sought to verify his comments by referring to his 21-year-old daughter who apparently enjoyed it!

For the believer salvation comes in three tenses.   He can say “I have been saved” referring to the time when he bowed the knee to Christ and was justified by faith (Romans Chapter 5 verse 1) He is now at peace with God through the work of Jesus.

It is God’s will that we should be sanctified that is live a life of purity exercising self-control (1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 3 to 8).   This is the second tense of salvation where the Holy Spirit’s work in us is ongoing.   We can say “I am being saved” and will continue until we are taken into glory or Jesus returns.

The third tense, “I will be saved” applies to the life hereafter when God’s work in us will be complete.   This is the glorification of the believer.   He has now taken up his citizenship of heaven.   He has a new body like Christ’s glorious body (Philippians Chapter 3 verses 20 to 21).

This complete salvation Christ accomplished on the Cross.   The work has been done.   Jesus has made a complete atonement for sinners such as us (St John Chapter 19 verses 28 to 30).    Jesus has done the heavy lifting.   He went the long journey to Calvary.    We go our little journey of faith.   He died that we might live – not as ‘normal people’ but as redeemed people who live to please Him and Him alone.