‘Happy New Lockdown’ Word on the Week 2nd January 2021.
Welcome to the Republic of Covid. You don’t want to be here? Sadly, you have no choice. If you are a citizen of earth, then you are included. This is a fact which we need to understand. 2021 has picked up where 2020 left off but at a faster pace.
This Republic of Covid which we now inhabit has its own rules. We are on level 5 at present. There is no level 6! The government has produced a 60-page Resilience and Recovery 2020 – 2021 Plan for Living with Covid-19 (see gov.ie Covid 19) on your computer.
As always during Lockdown it is necessary to pay attention to one’s health. The Local Authorities have a programme of wellbeing activities and initiatives with the support of Sláintecare through the Healthy Ireland fund.
The problem is restrictions to movement and socialising imposed by the Lockdown rules operate against much physical activity and any mixing with friends. With visitors to home or garden forbidden and social distancing of 2 meters required normal conversation is difficult even when you can hear what the other is saying through the face mask!
Fortunately, the Lockdown will have a time limit. This is currently set at 4 weeks. In addition, the arrival of a vaccine to tackle the virus gives hope for the future. Some of us get the flu jag annually and this virus, when tamed, could become part of the immunisation system.
When the Israelites were in exile in Babylon their captors, knowing their ability to sing, asked them to sing the songs of Zion. How can we sing in a strange land was their reply? (Psalm 137 verses 1 to 6). The Republic of Covid is also a strange land where we find ourselves. The Israelites consoled themselves with the thought of being restored to Jerusalem as had been promised at the end of 70 year’s exile.
The promises we have are much better. If you are a follower of Jesus He has promised never to leave us (Deuteronomy Chapter 31 verse 6 & St Matthew Chapter 28 verse 20). He is with us and will overcome our fears.
There was fear in Babylon also. For these fears Isaiah was given the good news of a Redeemer – God Himself – “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah Chapter 41 verse 1).
And we have been promised a new song to sing “Worthy are you (Jesus) to take the scroll and open the seals for you were slain and by your blood you redeemed people for God” (Revelation Chapter 5 verse9).
Let us take the Republic of Covid for Christ!