
There has always been something risqué in overhearing a conversation which was not intended for our ears. It carries the potential of knowing another’s thoughts without, either you having to share yours with them or their knowing that you are aware of their thinking.

The possession of such information gives the recipient the edge in any negotiations that may follow. It is a bit like knowing what is in your opponent’s hand in a card game except it was a global tap on important peoples’ phones by the National Security Agency of the US that came to light over the past few days.

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor has fed the information appropriately to the magazine Der Spiegel as the material contained details of the German Chancellor’s phone tap! It may be that the German government will seek an agreement with some of the same elements of the arrangement that the US has with Britain and other English-speaking allies to share data and refrain from spying on each other.

Overall there has been such a muted response to the disclosure of widespread recording of private phone conversations by the US that it makes one wonder if the practice is not more widespread than other countries would care to admit.

Of course if everything that was said was true and the actions which followed correctly interpreted the words spoken there would be no embarrassment at the phone taps – and no need for them either!

The truth is that diplomatic language has its own way of saying things and is far from straightforward.

Can the Bible comment on the use of words?

These are the means which God has revealed Himself to us. First He spoke through the mouths of the Prophets then in these days by Jesus (Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1/2).

In the parable of the tree being known by its fruit Jesus likens the fruit to our words. He points out that we don’t get trees with some fruit bad and some good. If that happened we would conclude there was something far wrong with it. It is the same with us as our words come from the heart – (by which the Bible means the control tower of the person and not the organ which pumps the blood) and reveal what we are like.

Jesus concluded, “Every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”(St Matthew Chapter 12 verses 36/7).

It makes about as much sense as Snowden thinking he would be welcome in Washington as it does for us to face the Judgement without our faith in Jesus. We need Him as our advocate. Put your trust in Him – 1 John chapter 2 verses 1/6.