Creation and Revelation Word on the Week 3rd December 2022.
In a lovely week, topped off with the annual Pensioners Luncheon, it was good to find the blog is still in circulation among some of my fellow pensioners. In selecting a topic to write about one thing is apparent and that is the relative popularity of blogs which have the natural world as their topic. Nature trumps revelation!
The old-timers had a measured view in which God has two books. They are: –
God’s book of Works &
God’s book of Words.
God’s book of works is Creation. The Psalmist understood that the whole cosmos was created by God. He declared it to be the work of his hands (Psalm 19 verses 1 to 3). Then in Psalm 24 verse 1 it is plainly stated that the Lord owns the earth and all who live in it. We belong to him!
There is a fallen-ness seen in the thorns and weeds which need no planting and in the childbirth pains in a woman (Genesis Chapter 3 verses 16 to 18). But the creation, Paul tells us, is eagerly awaiting being set free from its bondage to corruption. So nature is under the stress of diseases which affect bird and beast, tree and livestock till the end of the age (Romans Chapter 8 verses 19 to 25).
God’s Book of Words is the Bible. From it we learn of Mankind’s relationship to God. We find that God sets about providing a remedy for sin as soon as it enters the world (Genesis chapter 3 verse 15). One that is to come will be the serpent-crusher who will himself suffer (Genesis Chapter 3 verse15).
This person is revealed to Abraham (St John Chapter 8 verse 56). He is the long expected Messiah who was made known to the Virgin Mary by an angelic proclamation “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (St Matthew Chapter 1 verse 21).
“Jesus became what he was not without ever ceasing what he always was” (Athanasius 4th Century). Jesus became the God-man and walked on earth for 33 years. He was fully man and fully God and he was without sin. Because of his great love for us he took our sin and died our death upon the cross so that all who put their trust in Jesus might be saved (St John Chapter 3 verse 16).
For the believer Jesus took our sins and laid his righteousness to our account so that in the judgement we will be as he is (2 Corinthians Chapter 5 verse 21). We are not saved by our works but by his work. We are not left in the rags of our righteousness but given the robe of his righteousness to wear (Isaiah Chapter 64 verse 6). The old hymn says it well – Fairest Lord Jesus!
Ruler of all nature!
Son of God and Son of man!
Thee will I cherish,
Thee will I honour,
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown!