The ability to shift vast sums of money around the globe has made the modern banker look like a croupier at the gaming tables of an expensive casino.
There is important distinction however, the casino has some rudimentary rules which if broken result in immediate sanctions being applied to the transgressor. The modern banker, on the other hand, is largely free from the application of rules and regulations enabling him to enjoy the adrenaline rush of dealing in high stakes without much fear of reprisals.
The tapes of bankers telephone conversations which were made public this week were a good example of the elation they experienced as they handled other peoples money.
The most memorable tape featured the singing of Deutschland uber alles as they received large deposits from Germany on the foot of the Irish Government bank guarantee. The latter had transformed their bankrupt bank into a prime investment overnight and they were reaping the rewards of their misdeeds!
The bank guarantee had been given on the understanding that the banks would not misuse it by seeking deposits but, with their customary disregard for regulation, this was ignored to the dismay of other countries that saw their funds being switched to Irish banks.
There is an element in our society which highly regards the cute one who pulls off the big deal and does not get caught. Although he may not realise it he stands in the line of Judas. Treachery not loyalty becomes the highest value and the conscience is disabled by greed. The distinction between right and wrong becomes blurred and responsibility for ones actions evaporates till there is no one to be responsible to except ones-self.
St Paul described their condition as having “no fear of God before their eyes” Romans Chapter 1 verse 18. They think there is no one at home in the universe.
Contrast this with the Christian whose love for Jesus provides his motivation for living a good life. That motivation comes not from the fear of hell as it is not living a good life that qualifies one for heaven but the grace of God who accepts us even as sinners through faith in the work of Jesus. No the believer’s motivation is his desire to please God and to live for his glory.
There is the customary talk of another public enquiry this time to “get to the bottom of what caused the bank crisis”. National repentance leading to a total change of lifestyle might be a more appropriate response for we are all involved.
Let St Peter have the last word “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 8.